View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Created on 20.05.2004
3    *
4     */
5   package net.stff.ical.beans;
7   import java.util.Calendar;
8   import java.util.Collection;
9   import java.util.Date;
10  import java.util.Iterator;
12  import net.stff.ical.persistance.ICalDAO;
13  import net.stff.ical.util.Converters;
16  /***
17   * @author buntekuh
18   *
19   */
20  public class IEvent extends net.stff.ical.beans.VEvent{
21  	private ICal calendar;
22  	private String oldCalendar;
23  	private boolean allDay;
24  	private int duration= 0;
26  	public IEvent(){
27  	    super();
28  		allDay= (dtend == null);
29  	}
31  	public IEvent(CommBean vb, CalendarData data){
32  		Date d= Converters.constructDate(vb.getDate());
33  		Calendar cal= Calendar.getInstance();
35  		cal.setTime(d);
36  		cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
37  		setDtstart(cal.getTime());
38  		cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1);
39  		setDtend(cal.getTime());
41  		calendar= data.getCurrentICal();
42  		allDay= (dtend == null);
43  	}
45  	public boolean startsWithin(Date s, Date e, int which){
46  	    if (which == ICalDAO.ALLDAYEVENTS){
47  	        if (this.dtend != null) return false;
48  	    }
49  	    else if (which == ICalDAO.TIMEDEVENTS){
50  	        if (this.dtend == null) return false;
51  	    }
52  		Date sDate= dtstart.getTime();
53  		if ((sDate.after(s)) && (sDate.before(e))) return true;
54  		if (isRecurs()){
55  			Calendar cal= Calendar.getInstance();
56  			Collection c= recurrence.getRecurrentDates(this);
57  			Iterator i = c.iterator();
58  			while(i.hasNext()){
59  				Date d= (Date);
60  				cal.setTime(d);
61  				cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, dtstart.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
62  				cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, dtstart.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
63  				d= cal.getTime();
64  				if ((d.after(s)) && (d.before(e))){
65  					//System.out.println(s+"-"+e+"...."+d);
66  					return true;
67  				}
68  			}
69  		}
70  		return false;
71  	}
72     /***
73       * @return Returns if the event lasts all day. It DOES last all day if Dtend is not set
74       */
75      public boolean isAllday() {
76          return allDay;
77      }
78      /***
79       * @param allday The allday to set.
80       */
81      public void setAllday(boolean allday) {
82      	this.allDay= allday;
83          if (allday) setDtend((Date)null);
84      }
86  	public void setDtend(Date dtend){
87  		super.setDtend(dtend);
88  		allDay= (dtend == null);
89  	}
90  	/***
91  	 * @return Returns the color.
92  	 */
93  	public String getColor() {
94  		return calendar.getColor();
95  	}
96  	/***
97  	 * @param color The color to set.
98  	 */
99       /***
100      * @return Returns the calendar.
101      */
102     public ICal getCalendar() {
103         return calendar;
104     }
105     /***
106      * @param calendar The calendar to set.
107      */
108     public void setCalendar(ICal calendar) {
109         this.calendar = calendar;
110     }
111     public String getOldCalendar() {
112         return oldCalendar;
113     }
114     /***
115      * @param oldCalendar The oldCalendar to set.
116      */
117     public void setOldCalendar(String oldCalendar) {
118         this.oldCalendar = oldCalendar;
119     }
121    public String getWeekdayAsString(){
122     	int w= dtstart.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
123     	switch (w){
124 		case Calendar.MONDAY: 
125 			return "MO";
126 		case Calendar.TUESDAY: 
127 			return "TU";
128 		case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: 
129 			return "WE";
130 		case Calendar.THURSDAY: 
131 			return "TH";
132 		case Calendar.FRIDAY: 
133 			return "FR";
134 		case Calendar.SATURDAY: 
135 			return "SA";
136 		default:
137 			return "SU";
139     	}
140     }
142     public static Calendar getStartOfDay(Date d){
143     	Calendar c= Calendar.getInstance();
144     	c.setTime(d);
145     	c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
146     	c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
147     	c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
148     	c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
149     	return c;
150     }
151     /***
152      * @return Returns the duration.
153      */
154     public int getDuration() {
155         return duration;
156     }
157     /***
158      * @param duration The duration to set.
159      */
160     public void setDuration(int duration) {
161         this.duration = duration;
162     }
163     public void endure(){
164         duration++;
165     }
166  }