jcal is a calendar and scheduling application. It tries to mimic the features applications like Apple ICal and Mozilla Calendar provide. It is possible to port data between these applications. Additionally jcal is a vcal server, allowing other applications to subscribe to calendars.
jcal requires a servlet container and a database to run. It has been tested with Jakarta Tomcat versions 4.1 and 5.0 and MySQL version 4.0. However deploying to other servlet containers and databases should be a breeze.
jcal is published under the LGPL. You may use jcal in any commercial application, changes to the jcal source code however must stay open source. In case you do use jcal, i'd be happy to hear about it!
jcal is a young product. How development will continue depends mainly on the users. So if you download it and decide to use or decide not to use it, i'd love a little feedback to me(@)mymonster.net remember to remove the paranthesis. All it takes is a minute!
I'd love to hear you cry: YES!, while I hear you moaning a bored "not really". This application has mainly been written to have fun and learn about modern Java webapplication design. Hibernate and Springframework being the latest buzzz word, you won't be surprised to find them utilized here. I'm thinking about writing tutorials, so if you like the idea, please do encourage me to do so. If on the other hand looking at my source makes you feel slightly nauseated, ameliorating advice would also be welcome.